PI Title Dark Gray Bright
David W. Latham How Do Hot Jupiters Form and Migrate Inward? 0 5 5
Jason Dittmann MEarth Spectroscopic Follow-up 0 2 2
David W. Latham Spectroscopic follow-up of K2 Planet Candidates 0 3 2
Guillermo Torres Low-mass eclipsing binaries 0 4 8
David W. Latham Transiting Planet Candidate Follow-Up - 60 inch 0 10 10
Guillermo Torres Accurate masses for evolved stars 0 0 1
Guillermo Torres Accurate masses for selected double-lined eclipsing binaries 0 0 8
Guillermo Torres Pleiades binary survey 0 0 8
Andrea Dupree Chromospheres of Dwarf Stars 0 0 3
Guillermo Torres Comfirming runaway stars in the binary supernova scenario 0 0 2