Here is the design for the 60'' telescope. Units are in inches.
K_2 is derived from the condition for zero third order spherical aberration
K_2 = -[(m+1)/(m-1)]^2 + [m^3(K_1+1)]/(m-1)^3/k
where K_1 here is 0.
Hole in primary is 9.3, but baffle fixture extends 3'' over mirror (i.e., the diameter is about 15.3"). Usable central area of primary is thus only slightly smaller than secondary. Central hub in cell is 8.75 OD.
The design also called for some higher order aspherics on the secondary, possibly to get rid of higher order spherical abberation:
I don't know whether an attempt was actually made to put in these aspherics, ray traces do show that they improve the on-axis images.
The real telescope's best images were found with a BFD of 39.625. Thus two out of the three parameters of R_2, k_2 and Separation must also be different than listed here.