Written by Ted Groner

flwo60 is a Linux AMD FX-8350 Eight Core PC workstation running Slackware Linux , with 8GB of memory installed. It interfaces with the various instruments using socket communications over the network, and has serial ports which interface with the fast motor controllers and tcs pc computer. It contains approximately 2 TB of disk storage on two internal SATA disk drives.

There are currently a 4mm dat drive and a DLT-IV drive.

Flwo60 and most devices needed for the observer are protected by a UPS, which will produce enough power to run 30 minutes without external power.

Shutdown procedure

If you need to reboot flwo60, please follow this procedure. Exit the Realtime System if possible, and then select Logout from the bottom Applications Menu. From the log in screen you have the option of rebooting, estart Computer from the Popup menu. In a few minutes you will be ruturned to a log-in prompt.

Start Up

If flwo60 has been powered off, turn all remote devices on first, then the computer, the monitors are usually left running.