Perry's FAST observing guidelines

	             FAST Combo Observing - June 2006

Current projects:

Steeghs: IPHAS stars
2 catalogs in front of green FAST notebook.  postscript charts on disk.
("cd /pool/perry/steeghs/" and then "ghostview *" to view, where xxx 
is the target ID number).  Targets are all early, 3-6h RA.
Looking to get a good spectroscopic id of each target, ideally want 
1000-2500 counts in the red end of the continuum.  5-15-min exposures binby2

Calvet:  Orion PMS stars
Black notebook on shelf with catalog and charts.  Targets are all early, 5h RA.
Looking to get a good spectroscopic id of each target, ideally want 
1500-3000 counts in the red end of the continuum.  binby2 or binby4 ok.
5-10min exposures.

Green: BAL QSO monitoring.  
Detailed instructions in the green FAST notebook.  
Green or Daryl will contact you when observations need to be made.  
For each target, there is also a control target that must be observed
on the same night. binby2, rotate to PA.

Huchra: 2mass mapping the universe.
Multiple catalogs in black notebook on shelf.  Charts in blue binder, or
just make your own.  Targets all over, mostly early or late though.
This project is currently lower priority than anything else but is
good for filler.  Looking for redshift, want 500+ counts in the red end of 
the continuum.  Primary catalog is 2mass.june2005.mct, late targets.

Mamajek: young associations
All targets have been observed, he may submit more later.

Elvis: QSO's
All targets have been observed, he may submit more later.

Green: ChaMP
All targets have been observed, he may submit more later.

Regular monitoring: AGNs, symbiotic stars
Lists, charts, cadence, and exposure times in green FAST notebook.
RSOph is in outburst, so get it every other night or so.

Observe at least one red and one blue Massey std each night.  Observe
one rvstd each night.  rvstd must be at PA=90!

Stephane Blondin will contact the observer each day.  Always binby2, observe at
low airmass and/or rotate to PA.

TOO projects:
GRB, XRN, CV.  PI will contact with appropriate instructions.

Brown: hyper-velocity stars
600-line grating (tilt 440), 2-sec slit.  Charts, list, and instructions in 
black notebook on shelf.  Spend at least every other complete night on this 
project, plus 1/2 nights or whenever you can get a few hours in.
This is the primary project to work on this month!  Targets 9-16h.


    The general observing plan is this.  Start the nights out observing
    for Steeghs or Calvet (alternate nights) for a few hours.  Then switch
    to Warren's hvs project.  Work in the sne, agns, stds, and symbiotic
    stars when appropriate.  Most projects use the 300-line grating, 3" slit, 
    with the grating tilt so that the 7383 line is at pix 2660.  Warren's hvs
    project uses the 600-line, 2" slit.  XRN TOO and CV TOO may require the
    use of the 600- or 1200-line grating, PI will specify.


    Project catalogs are in /Realtime/lib/catalogs/   edit sn.mct to add in new

    03/05/06: spectrograph focus = 970.  The spectrogaph focus is very stable
    and will not change unless there is some problem.  Do monitor the comps
    often.  Make sure that the 7383 line is at pixel 2660 (+/- 3 pix).  See 
    printouts on wall in control room.
    MAKE SURE the grating-assembly holder bolts are reasonably tight inside 
    the spectrograph. Otherwise the grating will wander about, thus
    causing the wavelength coverage to vary.

    KEEP tv-guider gain down at all times, unless you are looking at a target 
    on the sky.

    Do not open the dome until sunset has occured.