FAST Observing Checklist
Created: 10/03/10 by EF, SW
Updated: 10/04/10 by EF
This page is a brief summary of the FAST primer.
Early afternoon:
-Assemble documentation for tonight's programs (look at
"what to observe tonight" here, look for email about SN or other
TOO, find the master binder with programs and catalogs, locate
other binders such as 2MASS)
-Start FAST control system (gofast) if not already running
-Start IRAF in an xterm (cd ; ecl)
-Set up IRAF window:
"epar qfast" enter date and search rows, e.g., row1=10, row2=150 in binby2
cd /fast/yyyy.mmdd (where tonight's MST date is yyyy.mmdd)
"initlog" and enter required information (date is MST)
cd /home/observer/qfast to process spectra with qfast
About 1.5 hours before sunset:
-Fill FAST dewar (also Keplercam dewar if 1.2m observer is remote)
-Make sure the grating and slit you plan to start with are mounted
-Obtain a comparison exposure (cex) and make sure the grating tilt is
good, as in this example for the 300 gpm.
-Take bias, flat, dark exposures (Telshell commands dobfx2x4-300 and
dodarkx2x4 for both binnings or dodarkx2, dodarkx4 for x2 and x4
-Biases and darks are needed for each CCD binning; flats are needed
for each grating at each tilt. Telshell commands dobfdx2-300,
dobfx2-600, and dobfx4-600 may be useful; after the "do" b is for bias,
f flat, d dark, xN binning by N, -300 the grating. If you need your
own variation, in the Telshell window type, e.g., "alias dobfdx2-300",
copy the script and edit that.
Once darks are finished:
-Fill FAST dewar (log fill: initials, time, date on side of FAST)
-Fill Keplercam dewar if 1.2m observer is remote (log fill in 1.2m web page).
Keplercam is filled in the evening after dome flats are done.
When ready to observe:
-Open dome slit
-Open mirror covers
-Turn off chamber A/C
-Enable drives at the rack
-Locate bright star (from brightstars.mct) and set tele position
-if using rotator, make sure no cables will snag. Rotate only at zenith.
To make ds9 finder match the guide camera, set ds9 angle = (90-RotPos)
-Standards needed are red and blue spectrophotometric standards and a
radial velocity standard (use galaxy, not star); use cex (cexx)
after each 300 (600) grating exposure for a HeNeAr exposure
-After each target exposure, use cex (cexx) if using the 300 (600) grating
for a HeNeAr exposure
-If the target is from a catalog in a binder (e.g., master) mark it
observed (initials and date) by its catalog entry (examples abound)
Changing gratings:
-Stow Tele in ntcs, which leaves the dome alone
-Open FAST side port
-Close grating cover!!!
-Exchange gratings per instructions in manual; note micrometer reading
-Exchange slits if also needed
-Open grating cover!!!
-Close FAST side port
-In Telshell, type 'comment' and note new values
-Do cex and make sure grating tilt and focus are OK
At end of night:
-Stow All in ntcs
-Disable drives at the rack
-Turn on chamber A/C
-Close mirror covers
-Close dome slit
-Fill FAST dewar (log fill: initials, time, date on side of FAST)
-Fill TRES dewar (log fill: initials, time, date on side of TRES rack)
-Fill Keplercam dewar if 1.2m observer is remote (log fill in 1.2m web page)
-Take bias, flat, dark exposures (dobfdx2-300 or others above)
-Fill out FAST online log