Created 02/03/08 by EF
Updated 03/26/09 by EF

Procedure once WFS is mounted:

0) Run vncviewer nflwo60:1 as observer, cd ./woods.
1) Connect guide camera BNC to guide monitor.
2) Connect internet to camera (other end in chart room).
3) Turn Apogee CCD camera on and begin cooling.
4) Start the WFS GUI: type ./startapogee in ./woods. 
5) Take bias frames.
6) Take reference images with the LED (knob in, below).
7) Change 1.5m focus to FAST value +60.
8) Point tel to bright star and center star on video screen. 
9) Take test image to check integration time (about 10 sec for
V=5 mag star) and focus.
10) Pop the temp plots, use ALT-P (or Edit and Properties).
11) If desired, pop the calibrations window, use ALT-C.

. Knob out: sky, turn off LED (unplug).
. Knob in: LED, turn on LED.
. Bias levels should be about 2700.
. Temp set point -30C.
. TWFS guider FOV is about 1x1 arcmin. 
Your vncviewer window will look like this snapshot.

To analyze the data with Sensoft, you need one reference image, star images and bias frames (imcombine a set). Subtract the imcombined bias from the reference and star with iraf. Run Sensoft on baselap (laptop) using the Puntino dongle. In Sensoft, click on "SH" to bring up the directories menu and there, select the reference and mirror image, then click on "ANALYSIS" to get results as shown next (from run of 3/23/09):

used star 31 Com (V=4.94 mag)

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