1.2m pointing tests
Created 05/10/04 by EF
Updated 10/02/17 by EF
Jan-Dec 2014 avg. 29 +- 41 arcsec Jan-Sep 2017 avg. 27 +- 23 arcsec
Robot pointing error vs. HA, DEC. In 2017, we
happily see fewer large excursions, beyond
120 arcsec (yellow). The RMSE is also much tighter in 2017, compared to 2014.
Below kept for historical reasons.
We have determined we have a pointing problem where objects fall near or
outside the W edge of chip 3 when going to large zenith angles. Click on the
link below to see the RA pointing error (there is little DEC error) as
a function of zenith angle. The plot contains 2 pointing runs, one
with flexure correction turned on and the other with it turned off.
(May 04 plot)