These are estimates of the gain and readout noise for I sky flats and biases taken with Minicam at the MMT on 09/21/03, (using 2x binned images, one estimate for each amplifier):
mscfindgain 21sept03.0170 21sept03.0171 21sept03.0138 21sept03.0139.fits \ sect="[200:400,400:600]" IM1: IM2: Gain = 2.75 e-/ADU Gain = 2.85 e-/ADU Read noise = 5.05 e- Read noise = 4.63 e- IM3: IM4: Gain = 3.32 e-/ADU Gain = 3.10 e-/ADU Read noise = 4.82 e- Read noise = 4.77 e