Created: 11/25/09 by EF Updated: 11/28/09 by EF
The files listed below were created with IRAF command dpar (e.g., dpar zerocombine > zerocombine.par). To set the parameters after you've loaded mscred, type cl < task.par, where "task" is zerocombine, flatcombine or ccdproc.
The files below are the instrument, ampfile and ssfile that you can use with mscred:mscred> lpar mscred (pixeltype = "real real") Output and calculation pixel datatypes (verbose = yes) Print log information to the standard output? (logfile = "") Text log file (plotfile = "") Log metacode plot file (backup = "none") Backup data (none|once|all)? (bkuproot = "Raw/") Backup root (directory or prefix) (instrument = "home$flwo/Keplercam/CCD") CCD instrument file (ampfile = "home$flwo/Keplercam/amps") Amplifier translation file (ssfile = "home$flwo/Keplercam/subsets") Subset translation file (im_bufsize = 35.) Image I/O buffer size (in Mbytes) (graphics = "stdgraph") Interactive graphics output device (cursor = "") Graphics cursor input (version = "V4.8: November 6, 2003") (mode = "ql") ($nargs = 0)