We installed the realuminized primary on 9/2/15.
The weather was dismal. We got a few hours on the sky by 9/11.
It was clear we would not be able to collimate. We decided to pull
the primary. Tom, Larry, Ted did that in the morning, Danny joined
in the afternoon. He helped us understand the RH jig!
The mirror was on the cart. We removed the cotter pins and pins from
the radial actuators, moved the radial hard points back. The mirror was
not in an optimal position.
After releasing the force from
all the axial actuators, adjusting the axial hard points to get
load cell readouts around 20lb (hard to achieve), and measuring
the radial and axial spacings for the mirror, we ended with:
Measurements with RH jig taken at all 4 cardinal points, confirmed on 9/17/15. Axial 1.25 + 0.029 +- 0.010 inches Radial 303 +- 3 (relative measurement, 1/1000 of an inch) Large counterweights set to: N 1537 S 956